Kelly’s Gives Contribution Program
Supporting Community
At Kelly’s Convenience Centers, we are committed to our role as a responsible member of the community. Kelly’s has developed a program to help ensure we direct our resources where the most impact will be made. We have a great responsibility to give back to our community, whether it be through monetary support or donations of merchandise.
Charitable Donation Giving Criteria
Eligible Requests and Organizations
To be eligible for funding from Kelly’s Convenience Centers, organizations must meet the following criteria:
The organization must be locally based in our community or be providing direct services to our local community;
It must be responding to a proven community need (as demonstrated in the organization’s request to Kelly’s Convenience Centers);
The organization must be a tax exempt registered charity under under Section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; and,
Provide a health, welfare or social service in the local community.
Kelly's gives preference to organizations that do not receive a large part of their funding through taxpayer provided sources.
Ineligible Requests and Organizations
The Kelly’s Gives contribution program is to fund services provided by the organization. Therefore, Kelly’s will not consider requests to fund trips to conferences and conventions by employees OR members of an organization, or their meals, accommodation or travel expenses.
In addition, Kelly’s will not make contributions to support the following:
Individuals, political organizations, political parties, or individuals running for office;
For-profit organizations;
Advocacy or lobbying groups;
Recreation organizations or clubs except where organizations and events target helping broad groups of underprivileged people, or provide a general benefit to the community;
A non-registered charity;
Religious or sectarian organizations, unless the request is specifically for a program offered to the public on a non-discriminatory basis and without regard to the recipient’s religious affiliation; and,
Events or programs designed to benefit only a single individual or small group.
Non-Discrimination Practices: Kelly’s will not fund organizations that, in their by-laws, policies, or practice discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, veteran status, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, or any other basis prohibited by applicable law.
Charitable Purposes: Funding may be used only for charitable purposes. They cannot be used to promote or oppose the election of any candidate for any office, or to personally benefit any elected official, or to promote or defeat any ballot measure.
Legal Compliance: By accepting funding, the recipient represents and warrants to Kelly’s Convenience Centers that it is and will remain during the term of any funding hereunder in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations.
Compliance: By accepting funding, the recipient agrees that it will not promote or engage in violence, terrorism, bigotry, or the destruction of any country, nor will it make sub-grants or give funding to any entity that engages in these activities.
Program Administration
Requests for charitable support can be made at
Please note that responses to funding requests can take up to three months and preference will be given to projects relating to our company’s giving philosophy, and those proposed by employees, or board members, and owners.
Funding Cycle
Our contributions program is funded throughout the Fiscal year of July 1 to June 30th. We reserve the right to consider requests at any time. Current grantees must submit a new request for funding annually. Our goal is to respond to proposals within three months.